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Glycogen Metabolism Control
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Glycogen Metabolism Control

Glycogen synthase: glucose 1P polymerization to glycogen
• Catalyzes rate-limiting step in glycogen synthesis • Active form: dephosphorylated • Inactive form: phosphorylated
Glycogen phosphorylase: releases glucose 1P residues from glycogen
• Catalyzes rate-limiting step in glycogenolysis • Active form: phosphorylated • Inactive form: dephosphorylated • Activated by phosphorylase kinase
Phosphorylase kinase: phosphorylates glycogen phosphorylase
• Activate form: phosphorylated • Inactive form: dephosphorylated
KEY ORGANS • Regulates blood glucose, responds to needs of all organs • Insulin, glucagon & epinephrine receptors • Synthesizes/breaks down glycogen based on own metabolic needs • Only insulin and epinephrine receptors (NOT glucagon)
1. Hormonal: insulin (high glucose), glucagon (low glucose) & epinephrine (stress)
Glucagon (low glucose) & epinephrine (stress):
• Activate protein kinase A (PKA) in cAMP-dependent manner • PKA phosphorylates glycogen synthase (inactivates it) • PKA phosphorylates phosphorylase kinase (activates it) • Phosphorylase kinase phosphorylates glycogen phosphorylase (activates it) • Upregulates glycogenolysis, down regulates glycogen synthesis
Insulin (elevated glucose):
• Activates phosphoprotein phosphatase (PPP) • PPP dephosphorylates glycogen synthase (activates it) • PPP dephosphorylates phosphorylase kinase (inactivates it) • Upregulates glycogen synthesis, down regulates glycogenolysis
Glucagon receptor NOT in muscle: muscle only responds to stress (epinephrine)
2. Allosteric regulation
Both hepatic and muscle cells
• Glycogen synthase activation: glucose 6P (glucose 1P --> glucose 6P) • Glycogen phosphorylase inhibition: glucose 6P, ATP (energy abundance)
Liver only
• Glycogen phosphorylase inhibition: glucose
Muscle only
• Glycogen phosphorylase activation: Ca2+, AMP (low energy) • Muscle contraction: Ca2+ released from sarcolemma & allosterically activates phosphorylase kinase --> activates glycogen phosphorylase
McArdle's Disease (Type V glycogen storage disease)
• Muscle glycogen phosphorylase deficiency • Glycogen accumulates in muscle • Muscle cramps & decreased exercise tolerance