FAQ for Individuals
1. Access My Account & Billing Settings
2. Cancel Subscription (Turn off Autorenew)
3. Cancel Trial (prior to conversion to paid subscription)
4. I Can't Access My Subscription
How do Institutional Accounts work? What do I do with my PIN?
iOS (iTunes) App (please note: no longer supported)
1. Android/Windows
2. iOS Audio Is Not Working
3. iOS Refunds
4. Cancel Draw it to Know it Subscription through iTunes
5. Captions
Drawing Pad & Video Player
Microsoft Edge Drawing Pad
Downloading Drawings
Labeling Images
Video Player Not Working
Compatible Devices for the Drawing Pad
Video Player Not Working from a Proxy Network
How do I use the Drawing Pad with the Tutorials?
How to Save and Load My Work
Quizzes, Exams, and Certificates
Quiz Scores
Re-taking Quizzes and Exams
Subject Exams
1-Week Free Trial
1. Trial Information
CME and MOC Credits
1. Exam Length
2. Re-take Exams
Course Page Features
Where do I start?
Shared Study Plan Visibility / Accessibility
Create My Own Study Plan
How to use Study Plans
View All and Edit Study Plans
Institutional Access and PINs
I don't have access but I used a Group PIN
Study Plan Links
My Instructor's Study Plan Link doesn't work.
LMS Links
When I click a Tutorial Link in my LMS, I can't access the tutorial.