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Pulmonary Embolism - Diagnostic Modalities

Pulmonary Embolism - Diagnostic Modalities

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Diagnostic Modalities to Identify Pulmonary Embolism
V/Q Scan (ventilation to perfusion scan)
    • Nuclear medicine imaging, which identifies a mismatch between ventilation and pulmonary vascularization (perfusion).
Chest CT w/angiography
    • Contrast material in the blood vessels allows for visualization of a filling defect: disruption of blood flow within the pulmonary arteries.
Chest X-Ray
Signs of PE include:
    • Atelectasis
    • Hampton hump
    • Westermark sign, which is indicative of oligemic areas (poor perfusion of pulmonary arteries).
    • Pulmonary effusion
Signs of PE include:
    • Sinus tachycardia
    • S wave in lead 1 with inverted Q and T waves in lead III (S1Q3T3 sign).
    • Thrombi formed premortem display lines of Zahn, which are formed by layers of fibrin, red blood cells, and platelet deposition.