Key inherited cause of intellectual disability and autism
Down syndrome is the most common inherited cause of intellectual disability, alone (ie, without autism).
Fragile X syndrome is the most common single gene (monogenic) cause of autism
Fragile X syndrome is a trinucleotide (CGG) repeat disorder
Normal CGG repeat length: 5 – 40 repeats
Premutation: 55 to 200 repeats (can cause premature ovarian failure or Fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome)
Full mutation: > 200 repeats
FMR1 gene mutation (abnormal FMRP protein) on the X chromosome
Affects protein production and synaptic connections for relaying of nerve impulses
The less FMRP protein produced (ie, the more severe the gene mutation), the more severe the clinical effects (cognitive, social, etc…)
X-linked dominant pattern of inheritance
Can affect both girls and boys BUT boys are more severely affected
Typical dysmorphic features and other clinical characteristics
Long, narrow face
Large, everted ears
Prominent jaw and forehead
Testicular enlargement (macroorchidism)
Connective tissue abnormalities
Hyper-flexible joints
Seizures occur in 15-20% of patients
Cognitive Impairment
Autism occurs in 1/3 of patients
10% of children are nonverbal
Moderate intellectual disability
More severe and more common in males
Behavioral Abnormalities
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Impulsivity, fidgeting, hand-biting or flapping
Fragile X syndrome,
Hagerman, R.J., Berry-Kravis, E., Hazlett, H.C., Bailey, D.B., Moine, H., Kooy, R.F., Tassone, F., Gantois, I., Sonenberg, N., Mandel, J.L., et al. (2017). Fragile X syndrome. Nat. Rev. Dis. Primer 3, 17065.
Rajaratnam, A., Shergill, J., Salcedo-Arellano, M., Saldarriaga, W., Duan, X., and Hagerman, R. (2017). Fragile X syndrome and fragile X-associated disorders. F1000Research 6.
Image Reference
Modified from “Fragile X Syndrome.” Wikipedia, May 22, 2018.