Cryptosporidium Life Cycle
Apicomplexa Life Cycle
Oocysts* are ingested in contaminated food or water.
Within the intestine, excystation occurs: sporozoites* are released from the oocyst.
- The sporozoites attach to intestinal epithelial cells.
- Rather than invading the cells, the sporozoites cause the microvilli to fuse and expand, enveloping the parasite.
- Parasite enters the trophpozoite stage, feeds upon nutrition taken from the host.
Then, merogony, a type of asexual reproduction occurs, and produces 4-8 merozoites.* (type I merozoites)
- The merozoites enter the intestinal lumen, and infect new enterocytes.
- The merozoites replicate:
– Asexual reproduction (via merogony) produces more merozoites (some type I, some type II merozoites), which can, in turn invade new enterocytes.
– Sexual reproduction -
gametogony: type II merozoites produce macrogamonts and microgamonts, which go on to produce macrogametes and microgametes.* (we omit the gamont stage in our diagram, for simplicity).
The gametes fuse to form a zygote.*
The zygote goes through sporogony to ultimately produce the infective sporulated oocyst.*
– Be excreted in the feces to find a new host
– Invade intestinal epithelial cells of the current host, producing self-infection.
It is thought that the oocysts that remain in the host and cause self-infection are thinner walled than the oocysts that are excreted in the feces.
Apicomplexa. Accessed November 8, 2018.
Cryptosporidium life cycle. Accessed November 8, 2018.
Leitch, Gordon J, and Qing He. “Cryptosporidiosis-an Overview.” Journal of Biomedical Research 25, no. 1 (January 2011): 1–16.
Levinson, W. Review of Medical Microbiology & Immunology. 14th ed. McGraw-Hill Education, 2016.