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Neck - Suprahyoid Muscles
Suprahyoid muscles lie above ("supra") the hyoid bone.
Originates on the mental spine of the
Inserts on the body of the hyoid
Geniohyoid elevates the hyoid and the floor of the mouth.
Originates on the mylohyoid line of the mandible
Inserts on the body of the hyoid bone and at the median raphe
Mylohyoid elevates the hyoid bone (and floor of the mouth) and depresses the mandible
Mylohyoid contributes to the floor of the mouth.
Digastric has two bellies: anterior and posterior
Anterior belly arises from the digastric fossa on the mandible
Posterior belly arises from the mastoid process of the temporal bone
Both bellies insert at the intermediate tendon, which passes through a sling attached to the body of the hyoid bone.
Digastric elevates the hyoid bone (and floor of the mouth) and it depresses the mandible.
Originates on the styloid process of the temporal bone
Inserts on the body of the hyoid; splits over digastric
Stylohyoid elevates the hyoid.
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Suprahyoid Muscles
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