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Liver - External Surface
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Liver - External Surface

Key Features
4 lobes
  • Right
  • Left
  • Caudate
  • Quadrate
These lobes are superficial structural features, not functional.
Outer surface
  • Fibrous capsule
  • Partially enveloped by visceral peritoneum
  • Diaphragmatic surface of the liver faces the diaphragm
  • Visceral surface of liver faces abdominal viscera
  • Inferior border marks boundary of diaphragmatic and visceral surfaces
False ligaments
  • Created where the visceral peritoneum folds upon itself; they attach the liver to structures within the abdominal cavity
  • Anterior and posterior coronary ligaments
  • Falciform ligament superficially divides liver into right and left lobes, attaches liver to anterior abdominal wall; is continuous with anterior coronary ligament
  • Right and left triangular ligaments form where anterior and posterior coronary ligaments meet
True ligaments
  • Remnants of fetal structures that are no longer functional
    • Round ligament (aka, ligamentum teres) represents the fetal umbilical vein; carried blood from the placenta to the fetus
    • Ligamentum venosum; shunted blood from the umbilical vein directly to the inferior vena cava during fetal development.
  • Right sagittal; inferior vena cava and gallbladder lie in this fissure
  • Left sagittal; round ligament and ligamentum venosum lie in this fissure
  • Porta hepatis, where hepatic vessels and hepatic duct enter and exit the liver at the hilum.