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Heart - External Features

Heart - External Features

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Base of heart
Located posteriorly, widest part of heart
Apex of heart
Located inferiorly, narrowest part of heart, points towards left side of body
4 Chambers of the heart:
Left and Right Atria, superiorly
  • Auricles are ear-like extensions of the atria; expand to accommodate blood flow
  • Superior and inferior vena cavae return blood to right atrium
  • Pulmonary veins return blood to left atrium
Left and Right Ventricles, inferiorly
  • Anterior and posterior interventricular sulci separate right from left
  • Aorta carries blood away from left ventricle
  • Pulmonary trunk carries blood away from right ventricle
Coronary sulcus (aka, atrioventricular groove)
Groove between the atria and ventricles where coronary vessels travel.