Typical genotype-phenotype relationships:
46 XX, female-typical phenotype
- Primordial germ cells in the gonadal ridge induce ovarian differentiation, in approximately week 8.
- Genes from the Wnt family and others transform the paramesonephric ducts to produce the uterine tubes, uterus, and the vagina.
- Estrogen from the fetal ovaries and placenta guide formation of the vulva, aka, the female external genitalia.
46 XY, male-typical phenotype
- The SRY gene in the somatic cells of the gonadal ridge induces testes differentiation.
- Subsequently, the testes produce androgens and anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH), which facilitate transformation of the mesonephric ducts to produce the tubules of the testes, the epididymis, and the ductus deferens.
- Androgens also guide formation of the male external genitalia, the penis and scrotum.
DSDs caused by atypical sex chromosome number:
DSD 45 X_, aka, Turner Syndrome
- The genotype tells us that there are 45 total chromosomes, with one X chromosome; thus, one of the sex chromosomes is missing.
- Gonads do not fully differentiate, and typically present as fibrous, non-functional streak ovaries.
- As a result, most 45 X_ individuals do not pass through puberty, and typically have impaired fertility.
- Other notable characteristics include short stature, which becomes noticeable during childhood; broad chest; and a "webbed" neck, with extra skin folds. Be aware that these features are not present in every individual, but, when present, may be indicative of an atypical genotype.
- Clinical concerns include cardiac and renal defect, and lymphedema.
DSD 47 XXY, aka, Klinefelter's syndrome.
- Extra X chromosome in each cell.
- The extra X chromosome impairs testes development, resulting in small testicles that produce less testosterone.
- Thus, puberty is often delayed or incomplete, and fertility is impaired.
- Individuals tend to experience gynecomastia (enlargement of the breast tissue); reduced body and facial hair; and, perhaps most obviously, tall stature with long extremities.
- Clinical concerns are increased breast cancer risk (relative to typical male rates) and, in some cases, learning disabilities.
DSD 45 X, 46 XY, aka, mixed gonadal dysgenesis
- A type of mosaicism; in these individuals, some cells have the 45 X genotype, others have the 46 XY genotype.
- Streak ovaries and testis, which is likely to be undescended; puberty is likely to be incomplete, and fertility is impaired.
- Clinical implications are short stature and cardiac and renal defects (similar to Turner Syndrome).
DSD 46 XX, 46 XY, aka, chromosomal ovotesticular DSD
- Mosaic
- Both testicular and ovarian tissues are present, either symmetrically or asymmetrically.
- The resulting phenotype depends on the functionality of the gonadal tissues and the hormones they produce.
- Clinical concerns include hypospadias (displaced urethral opening) and cryptorchidism (undescended testes), both of which are likely the result of deficient androgen influence.
Additional Resources:
1. Lakshmy S.R. & Rose, N. 2016. Congenital Absence of Uterine Cervix. International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology. Oct; 5910: 3634-3636. (2016).
2. Lekovich, J. & Pfeifer, S. Congenital Müllerian Anomolies: Diagnosis and Management. Pfeifer, S (ed.). Springer. (2016).
3. Chandler, T.M., Machan, L.S., Cooperberg, P.L., Harris, A.C., Change, S.D. Müllerian Duct Anomolies: From Diagnosis to Intervention. The British Journal of Radiology 82; 1034-1042. (2009).
4. National Institutes of Health. 46, XX Testicular Disorder of Sex Development. Genetics Home Reference. (2017). https://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/condition/46xx-testicular-disorder-of-sex-development#resources.
5. National Institutes of Health. Aromatase Deficiency. (2017). https://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/condition/aromatase-deficiency.
6. Ocal, G. 2011. Current Concepts in Disorders of Sexual Development. Journal of Clinical Resarch in Pediatric Endocrinology. 3(3): 105-114.
7. Conway, G.S. Disorders of Sex Development (DSD): An Overview of Recent Scientific Advances. Psychology & Sexuality. 5:28-33. (2013). http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/19419899.2013.831213.
8. Ostrer, H. Disorders of Sex Development (DSDs): An Update. Journal of Endocrinology Metabolism. 99(5): 1503-1509. (2014).
9. Bashamboo, A., & McElreavey, K. Human Sex-Determination and Disorders of Sex Development (DSD). Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology. 45:77-83. (2015).
10. Marinerie, L., More., Y., Claire-Lise, G., et. al. Impaired Puberty, Fertility, and Final Stature in 45,X/46, XY Mixed Gonadal Dysgenic Patients Raised as Boys. Europoean Journal of Endocrinology. 166:687-694. (2012).
11. National Institutes of Health. Klinefelter Syndrome. (2017). https://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/condition/klinefelter-syndrome.
12. Chandler, T. M., Machan, L.S., Cooperberg, P.L., et.al. Mullerian Duct Anomolies: From Diagnosis to Intervention. The British Journal of Radiology. 82: 1034-1042. (2009).