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Sex Chromosome DSDs
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Sex Chromosome DSDs

Typical genotype-phenotype relationships:
46 XX, female-typical phenotype
  • Primordial germ cells in the gonadal ridge induce ovarian differentiation, in approximately week 8.
  • Genes from the Wnt family and others transform the paramesonephric ducts to produce the uterine tubes, uterus, and the vagina.
  • Estrogen from the fetal ovaries and placenta guide formation of the vulva, aka, the female external genitalia.
46 XY, male-typical phenotype
  • The SRY gene in the somatic cells of the gonadal ridge induces testes differentiation.
  • Subsequently, the testes produce androgens and anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH), which facilitate transformation of the mesonephric ducts to produce the tubules of the testes, the epididymis, and the ductus deferens.
  • Androgens also guide formation of the male external genitalia, the penis and scrotum.
DSDs caused by atypical sex chromosome number:
DSD 45 X_, aka, Turner Syndrome
  • The genotype tells us that there are 45 total chromosomes, with one X chromosome; thus, one of the sex chromosomes is missing.
  • Gonads do not fully differentiate, and typically present as fibrous, non-functional streak ovaries.
    • As a result, most 45 X_ individuals do not pass through puberty, and typically have impaired fertility.
    • Other notable characteristics include short stature, which becomes noticeable during childhood; broad chest; and a "webbed" neck, with extra skin folds. Be aware that these features are not present in every individual, but, when present, may be indicative of an atypical genotype.
    • Clinical concerns include cardiac and renal defect, and lymphedema.
DSD 47 XXY, aka, Klinefelter's syndrome.
  • Extra X chromosome in each cell.
  • The extra X chromosome impairs testes development, resulting in small testicles that produce less testosterone.
  • Thus, puberty is often delayed or incomplete, and fertility is impaired.
  • Individuals tend to experience gynecomastia (enlargement of the breast tissue); reduced body and facial hair; and, perhaps most obviously, tall stature with long extremities.
  • Clinical concerns are increased breast cancer risk (relative to typical male rates) and, in some cases, learning disabilities.
DSD 45 X, 46 XY, aka, mixed gonadal dysgenesis
  • A type of mosaicism; in these individuals, some cells have the 45 X genotype, others have the 46 XY genotype.
  • Streak ovaries and testis, which is likely to be undescended; puberty is likely to be incomplete, and fertility is impaired.
  • Clinical implications are short stature and cardiac and renal defects (similar to Turner Syndrome).
DSD 46 XX, 46 XY, aka, chromosomal ovotesticular DSD
  • Mosaic
  • Both testicular and ovarian tissues are present, either symmetrically or asymmetrically.
  • The resulting phenotype depends on the functionality of the gonadal tissues and the hormones they produce.
  • Clinical concerns include hypospadias (displaced urethral opening) and cryptorchidism (undescended testes), both of which are likely the result of deficient androgen influence.
Additional Resources: 1. Lakshmy S.R. & Rose, N. 2016. Congenital Absence of Uterine Cervix. International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology. Oct; 5910: 3634-3636. (2016). 2. Lekovich, J. & Pfeifer, S. Congenital Müllerian Anomolies: Diagnosis and Management. Pfeifer, S (ed.). Springer. (2016). 3. Chandler, T.M., Machan, L.S., Cooperberg, P.L., Harris, A.C., Change, S.D. Müllerian Duct Anomolies: From Diagnosis to Intervention. The British Journal of Radiology 82; 1034-1042. (2009). 4. National Institutes of Health. 46, XX Testicular Disorder of Sex Development. Genetics Home Reference. (2017). 5. National Institutes of Health. Aromatase Deficiency. (2017). 6. Ocal, G. 2011. Current Concepts in Disorders of Sexual Development. Journal of Clinical Resarch in Pediatric Endocrinology. 3(3): 105-114. 7. Conway, G.S. Disorders of Sex Development (DSD): An Overview of Recent Scientific Advances. Psychology & Sexuality. 5:28-33. (2013). 8. Ostrer, H. Disorders of Sex Development (DSDs): An Update. Journal of Endocrinology Metabolism. 99(5): 1503-1509. (2014). 9. Bashamboo, A., & McElreavey, K. Human Sex-Determination and Disorders of Sex Development (DSD). Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology. 45:77-83. (2015). 10. Marinerie, L., More., Y., Claire-Lise, G., et. al. Impaired Puberty, Fertility, and Final Stature in 45,X/46, XY Mixed Gonadal Dysgenic Patients Raised as Boys. Europoean Journal of Endocrinology. 166:687-694. (2012). 11. National Institutes of Health. Klinefelter Syndrome. (2017). 12. Chandler, T. M., Machan, L.S., Cooperberg, P.L., Mullerian Duct Anomolies: From Diagnosis to Intervention. The British Journal of Radiology. 82: 1034-1042. (2009).