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Purine Biosynthesis
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Purine Biosynthesis

Purine Biosynthesis
Purine biosynthesis occurs via two key pathways:
De Novo synthesis
  • The base, itself, is synthesized from scratch
    • from such components as: ATP, key amino acids, N10-formyltetrahydrofolate, CO2).
  • Then attached to the activated (phosphorylated) ribose (sugar) to form the desired nucleotide.
Salvage pathway
  • The base is reattached to the phosphorylated ribose (ribose phosphate) to form the nucleotide.
Nucleoside vs. Nucleotide
Let's remind ourselves, now, of some key nucleic acid terminology:
  • A nucleoside is a BASE + SUGAR
  • A nucleotide is a BASE + SUGAR + PHOSPHATE
We divide purine biosynthesis into 3 parts:
  • Part 1: Formation of 5-Phosphoribosyl-1-amine from ribose-5-phosphate
  • Part 2: Formation of the Purine Ring
  • Part 3: Derivation of adenosine monophosphate (AMP) and guanosine monophosphate (GMP) from inosinate (IMP).
Part 1
Formation of 5-Phosphoribosyl-1-amine from ribose-5-phosphate
  • Draw out Ribose 5-Phosphate (R5P), which allows us to review what we learned in the Nucleic Acids tutorial.
  • A pentagon with an oxygen atom inserted at the top.
  • Label carbons 1' through 4' going clockwise from the oxygen atom.
  • Add carbon 5' as an attachment to carbon 4'.
  • Finally, add hydroxyl groups to carbons 1', 2', and 3'.
    • Now, add a phosphate to the 5' carbon: hence, Ribose (the sugar), 5-Phosphate).
    • We leave the 5' and 3' in different colors, so we can already tell the 5' to 3' orientation of the sugar/phosphate backbone.
  • R5P but at the 1' hydroxyl add a pyrophosphate.
  • This is PRPP: 5-phosphoribosyl-1-pyrophsophate (aka 5'-phosphoribosyl-1'-pyrophosphate) via PRPP synthetase, which catalyzes the addition of 2 phosphate (a pyrophosphate) from ATP, which then converts to AMP.
De Novo formation of the purine ring. Draw 5-Phosphoribosyl-1-amine (aka 5'-Phosphoribosyl-1'-amine):
  • Redraw PRPP but here show that:
    • The pyrophosphate (PPi) leaves.
    • In its place add an amine.
  • Glutamine hydrolysis produces ammonia, which provides the amine group, which adds the N9 nitrogen of the Purine Ring.
    • This is why nucleotide production occurs in the liver, because it is the organ that can best handle nitrogen (ammonia) waste – so it makes sense that if nucleotide synthesis relies on ammonia formation, it ought to occur in a body organ that can best manage ammonia!
    • So if we think about why we would want nucleotide biosynthesis to occur in the liver, again, one reason is that it's where the management of ammonia occurs!
Formation of the Purine Ring
  • Glycine provides C4, C5, N7.
  • N10-Formyltetrahydrofolate (THF) provides C8 (via a formyl group).
  • Glutamine hydrolysis adds N3 (via ammonia).
    • Thus, although the purine ring is large, it has some key repetitions in its formations, which make its biosynthesis easier to remember.
  • CO2 provides C6
  • Aspartate provides N1
  • N10-Formyltetrahydrofolate (THF) provides C2, adjacent to N3 (in the same way that C8 was added adjacent to N9).
We've built the purine ring, specifically show that we've built:
Derivation of adenosine monophosphate (AMP) and guanosine monophosphate (GMP) from inosinate (IMP).
Inosinate (IMP) from purine ring:
    • N9 (from glutamine hydrolysis) (with the ribose-5-phosphate attached).
    • C4, C5, N7 (from Glycine)
    • C8 (from THF)
    • N3 (from glutamine hydrolysis)
    • C6 (from CO2)
    • N1 (from Aspartate)
    • C2 (from THF)
    • double bonds between C8 and N7, C4 and C5, and C2 and N3.
    • C6 carbon is double-bonded to oxygen.
Adenosine Monophosphate (AMP)
  • With the addition of aspartate and the phosphorylation by GTP, IMP forms AMP, by passing through adenylosuccinate.
  • GTP is the phosphoryl-group donor (and converts to GDP in the process).
Guanosine Monophosphate (GMP)
  • Then, an amine group is added via ammonia produced from glutamine hydrolysis in the process of IMP conversion to GMP.
  • However, this actually happens AFTER inosinate is oxidized to xanthylate (XMP) with NAD+ acting as the hydrogen acceptor.
  • And this time it is ATP, which serves as the phosphoryl-group donor (which converts to ADP) (rather than GTP).
  • Cross-regulation & end-product inhibition maintain a balanced production of these end-products.
    • Cross-regulation means that: GMP (the building-block of GTP) is necessary for the formation of AMP & vice-versa: AMP (the building-block of ATP) is necessary for the formation of GMP.
Purine nomenclature
As a final check on our understanding of purine biosynthesis and the full breadth of its impact on molecular biochemistry, let's run through nomenclature of the purines:
  • The bases are:
    • Adenine and guanine
  • The ribonucleosides (meaning the sugars + bases) are:
    • Adenosine and guanosine
  • The ribonucleotides (meaning the sugars + bases + 5'-monophosphates) are:
    • Adenylate (AMP) and guanylate (GMP)
  • The diphosphates are:
    • Adenosine diphosphate ADP and Guanosine diphosphate GDP
  • The triphosphates are:
    • Adenosine triphosphate ATP and Guanosine triphosphate GTP
Drug Correlations:
  • Dihydrofolate inhibitors
    • Methotrexate inhibits dihydrofolate in humans.
    • Trimethorpim inhibits dihydrofolate in bacteria.
    • Pyrimethamine inhibits dihydrofolate in protozoa.
  • De novo purine synthesis inhibitors
    • 6-mercaptopurine (and its prodrug, azathioprine).
  • Inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase inhibitors
    • Mycophenolate and ribavirin.

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